OJS Platform for Scientific Journals
OJS platform
The Center for Sustainable Development offers for scientific publications the introduction (transition) to a system of comprehensive support and support of a scientific journal. The system of comprehensive support and support of the scientific journal is based on the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.
Today, OJS is one of the most suitable platforms for scientific publications, because, unlike many other content management systems, for example, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, in OJS all metadata of a scientific journal, its articles and issues are fully supported and provided for export . OJS is fully supported and meets all standards set by scientometric databases.

Important: It is necessary to update the OJS platform regularly, as it is constantly being improved and has new versions. This process requires special skills and programming knowledge.

The cost of website development services on the OJS platform
OJS installation and configuration (one time)
7500 ₴
7500 ₴
Separate unique domain name for website (SSL)
500 ₴
500 ₴
2000 ₴ (up to 1 Gb)
4000 ₴ (up to 5 Gb)
Technical support
1500 ₴ (correction of technical errors, upgrade once a year, backups, DOI settings)
5000 ₴ (correction of technical errors, upgrade when a new version is released, backup copies, 4 hours of consultation per year, DOI settings, installation of plugins)
Programming of any complexity
600 ₴/hours
600 ₴/hours
Site administration
By appointment
By appointment
Верстка статей (в електронному форматі для відображення на вебсайті)
By appointment
By appointment

Special offers for publishers planning to switch to OJS 3 (upgrade from OJS 2, switch from other systems and platforms)

By appointment
By appointment
Examples of websites developed by our specialists
Developed: cover design, website design, sidebar configuration and all necessary plugins for the correct operation of the website
Developed: cover design, website design, sidebar configuration and all necessary plugins for the correct operation of the website
Developed: cover design, website design, sidebar configuration and all necessary plugins for the correct operation of the website
Developed: cover design, website design, sidebar configuration and all necessary plugins for the correct operation of the website
Developed: website design, magazine cover update (we provide in png. and svg. format), setting up the sidebar and all necessary plugins for the correct operation of the website
Developed: website design, configuration of all necessary plugins for the correct operation of the website

You can send an application for the creation of a website of a scientific publication or its transfer from another platform to OJS, using the email address info@csr.com.ua with the subject "Website development".

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