The service enables scientific publications, journals and other documents to obtain a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOI is a permanent and unique number assigned to publications and documents, identifying them in the electronic environment and ensuring permanent access to them.
The main features and benefits of the service include:
Unique identifier: The DOI provides a unique identifier for each publication. This ensures that each post has its own unique number used to reference it.
Permanent access: DOI ensures permanent access to publications, regardless of changes in URL or location. This means that even if the publication's URL changes, the DOI link will remain constant, ensuring users have consistent access to the material.
Ease of Searching and Citation: DOI makes it easy to find publications in electronic databases and catalogs. Users can quickly find a publication using its DOI and cite it with accuracy and credibility.
Preservation of metadata: DOI registration also includes preservation of metadata about the publication, such as title, authors, abstract, keywords, etc. This facilitates the search and identification of publications in systems and databases.
Global reach: DOI is an internationally recognized standard and widely used in scientific and academic circles around the world. This ensures global distribution and the use of DOIs to cite publications.
Increased visibility: assigning a DOI to publications helps increase their visibility and impact. DOI can be used to promote and disseminate publications to the scientific community and other interested parties.
Detailed information on DOI assignment:
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