News of the Center for Sustainable Development

The collection of articles for the Scientific Journal "Humanitarian Forum" has begun

The Humanitarian Forum is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal with open access.
Mass media registration certificate: №25365-15305Р.
Publication languages: Ukrainian, English.

Articles are accepted until February 28, 2023!


Field of knowledge: 01 - Education:
  • 011 Educational sciences
  • 012 Preschool education
  • 013 Primary education
  • 014 Secondary education
  • 015 Professional education
  • 016 Special education
  • 017 Physical culture and sports

Field of knowledge: 02 Culture and art:
  • 021 Audiovisual Arts and Production
  • 022 Design
  • 024 Choreography
  • 025 Musical art
  • 026 Stage art
  • 027 Museum studies, monument studies
  • 028 Management of socio-cultural activities
  • 029 Information, library and archival work

Field of knowledge: 03 - Humanities:
  • 032 History and archaeology
  • 033 Philosophy
  • 034 Culturology
  • 035 Philology

Field of knowledge: 05 - Social and behavioral sciences:
  • 052 Political science
  • 053 Psychology
  • 054 Sociology

Field of knowledge: 06 Journalism:
  • 061 Journalism

For detailed information, contact the e-mail
2023-01-10 13:38