News of the Center for Sustainable Development

The editors of the Scientific Journal "Actual Problems of Sustainable Development" invite scientists to join the editorial board of the Journal

The editors of the Scientific Journal "Actual Problems of Sustainable Development" invite scientists to join the editorial board of the Journal.
The Journal is preparing to receive category "B" in the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine"
Requirements for applicants:

1. Having a Doctor of Science degree and carrying out research in one of the specialties:

Field of knowledge: 05 Social and behavioral sciences:
Specialty - 051 "Economics";
Specialty - 052 "Political Science";
Specialty - 053 "Psychology";
Specialty - 054 "Sociology".

Field of knowledge: 07 Management and administration:
Specialty - 071 "Accounting and taxation";
Specialty - 072 "Finance, banking, insurance and stock market";
Specialty - 073 "Management";
Specialty - 075 "Marketing";
Specialty - 076 "Entrepreneurship and trade".

Field of knowledge: 08 Law:
Specialty - 081 "Law".

Field of knowledge: 24 Field of service:
Specialty - 241 "Hotel and restaurant business";
Specialty - 242 "Tourism and recreation".

Field of knowledge: 26 Civil security:
Specialty - 262 "Law enforcement activity";

Field of knowledge: 29 International relations:
Specialty - 291 "International relations, public communications and regional studies";
Specialty - 292 "International Economic Relations";
Specialty - 293 "International Law".

2. All members of the editorial board must meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • the presence of at least three publications in the last five years, indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection and/or Scopus databases, and published in at least two different editions;
  • the presence of a monograph (or two chapters in collective monographs) published in the last 10 years by the publishing house(s), the list of which is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science, taking into account the recommendations of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Science and Technology Development;
  • the presence of at least two monographs and/or four chapters in collective monographs published in the last five years by publishing houses that are not included in the list of publishing houses approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science. Such monographs must be recommended for publication by the academic board of a higher education institution or scientific institution and undergo a high-quality independent review by at least three reviewers, whose names must be indicated in the initial data of the monograph;
  • the presence of at least six publications over the past three years in at least three different editions, included in category "B" of the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine.

Benefits for editorial board members:
  • the opportunity to participate in the scientific activities of the publication's founder (Scientific Institution "Research Center for Sustainable Development");
  • participation in scientific topics (as a responsible executor) (A member of the editorial board can send scientific materials to registered topics and he will be issued a certificate of participation in a scientific topic, in accordance with clause 38 paragraph 8 of the Resolution of the CMU "On approval of licensing conditions for the conduct of educational activities" №1187 dated December 30, 2015;
  • obtaining a certificate on the performance of the functions of a member of the editorial board of a scientific publication included in the list of professional publications of Ukraine, which is provided for in paragraph 38 paragraph 8 of the Resolution of the CMU "On approval of licensing conditions for the conduct of educational activities" №1187 of December 30, 2015.
  • the possibility of free 1 publication per year and a 20% discount on further publications.

The editors consider applicants' applications for participation as members of the editorial board after filling out and sending the QUESTIONNAIRE (scan/photocopy with signature and in *.doc or *.docx format) to the editorial e-mail:
2023-08-10 11:00